Sunday, January 13, 2008

Before i leave.........

before i leave i have to straigtin this all out!!!!!!!!

here are the stuff and its answer

1) should freddy have to ask me before demoting me?

no . would you like if your demoted twice
with out the demoter telling you he/she is going
to demote you. of course you would!!!

2) am i being mean to yogipen.

well yeah. If you think about it. yogipen
is not being mean to me. i mean look
ever since i was fired yogipen has bin
saying nothing. he is so nice!!!

3) should concerns1234 bin fired when the post said NEED TO FIRE SOMEONE

no i love him too

4) do i care about being fired


5) is yogipen PRETTY


and last thing!!!!

6) am i gonna start liking yogipen
ok now that everything is explained i have to say why i dont care that i was fired
1. i have NO life problems
2. its EASY to run 2 sites
3. I LOVE yogipen.
4. i LOVE freddy TOO

also freddy it was fair you took sides.



Yogipen said...

I was Demoted Remember. I lost the election and went to third. It is his site, so who cares.

Yogipen said...

You haven't met me you don't know I am ugly, and I am not. Plus I offered to be your friend a few times you excepted and then went back to hating me. LOL. I can't believe you are over reacting so much.
-TO the people reading this sorry If I sound mean I just wanna make a point.